East Riding YFC Training Programme

We offer a huge range of training for our club Officers and wider membership. Our Training Programme includes Club Officer Training, more specific session on Health and Safety and Safeguarding, as well as Competition Training for Public Speaking, Machinery Operating and ToW.  Our Programme wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our Corporate Sponsors for this year


NFYFC Training Courses

Just by taking on a role in the running of your club, you are automatically learning essential leadership and team working skills. But our internationally recognised training courses help you fine tune these and prove to employers, colleges and universities that you really are as good as you say you are! Check out the courses on offer.


If you are in search of some hands-on practical skills, then look no further. We offer training in a range of agriculture skills, from meat for the market to dry stone walling. Why not take a look at the Courses available to members
List of Training Possibilities:

  • Train the Trainer
  • Advanced Train the Trainer
  • Sheep Shearing
  • Savills Tenancy Training
  • Health & Safety ‘ATV Training’

For more information, please contact your club chairman or the county office on 07868 139311 or office@eryfc.org.


Curve Training Modules

The Curve has been designed especially for YFCs to help you get the very best out of your club and its members.
A series of fun, interactive workshops explore everything from organising the best money spinners to strengthening relationships in your clubs. Each is around 1.5 hours long, but is designed to be flexible to suit your own club.

Only qualified ‘trainers’ can teach these modules, but we have some members of the county that are qualified to do this. These are great opportunities for meeting ideas, or ways to get a learning and development message to the whole club or a group of members.

For more information, please contact county office on 07868 139311 or office@eryfc.org