Young Farmers Clubs provide an opportunity for young people to develop, to learn and to enjoy themselves by offering a diverse, fun and educational programme of activities planned by members, for members.
Club meetings are usually weekly and are organised and run by YFC members. The club elects club officers annually to take responsibility for the club on behalf of its members and organise the activities that members take part in. Weekly meetings can range from talks and trips to preparing for competitions or fundraising for charity.
In addition to the club officers, there is a dedicated team of adult volunteers who are elected to help support the Young Farmers’ Club, both Club Leaders who regularly attend the weekly meetings, and an Advisory Committee.
YFC encourages all young people to join. If your child requires any additional help with any activity, or has any particular needs please speak to one of the club officers, or email our County Organiser, Ellie Jackson, at
YFC is a voluntary youth organisation and has a duty of care to its members. In order to keep club members safe during YFC activities, each club works to the following policies:
- The Health, Safety and Environmental Policy ensures the health and safety of its employees and members. It explains how to carry out risk assessments for YFC events and activities as well as the procedures and protocols in place to ensure activities are safe.
- The Equal Opportunities Policy ensures that no employee, job applicant, YFC member, volunteer or contractor receives less favourable treatment through unreasonable or unjust discrimination on any grounds, including age, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religious belief, social class, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
- The Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, sets out how the organisation works with under 18-year-old members, how volunteers are recruited, what to do in the case of an incident, along with reporting procedures and information on how to recognise signs of abuse. It’s a robust policy that’s been written with the specialist help of the NSPCC.
- The Drugs and Alcohol Policy enables members, staff and volunteers to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour within YFC. It helps event organisers to plan safe and successful events . If a member’s behaviour is deemed unacceptable, the policy contains information on the appropriate action to take.
- The Anti-bullying Policy as well as guidance on cyber-bullying. For some members and staff, their time in YFC can be spoilt by bullies. The policy has been written to help YFC members to recognise the signs of bullying and help those who are being bullied. The policy contains information on how to deal with bullies and the necessary action that should be taken.
- NFYFC’s Standards of Behaviour Policy clearly sets out what is acceptable behaviour and the process of dealing with YFC members whose behaviour is unacceptable.
All of the above policies are available on the NFYFC Website here: Policies (
All members are covered by YFC insurance when attending club meetings, trips and competitions. All clubs also have public liability insurance in place.